DirectAdmin : Apache won’t start after update on FreeBSD

An issue with php/apache is causing apache not to start in FreeBSD. It segfaults and core dumps, logged in the /var/log/httpd/error_log.

Try removing –with-openssl from your configure.php file and recompile php.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
vi configure.php
#remove –with-openssl from the file, save, exit.
./build clean
./build php n

Possibly a mod_perl issue. Edit the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

AddModule mod_perl.c


#AddModule mod_perl.c

and then restart apache. If you don’t have “AddModule mod_perl.c”, then don’t worry about this entry.
Remove the “LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache/” if you have it as well.
This won’t affect files in the cgi-bin (I’ve seen very few people actually making use of mod_perl itself).

more info:

Previous workaround for the problem is to remove thp php flags from the httpd.conf files:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates
cp virtual_host*.conf custom
cd custom
perl -pi -e ‘s/php_admin/#php_admin/’ *
echo “action=rewrite&value=httpd” >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/httpd restart

One user reported that installing zend solved this problem as well, so try:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build zend

Possibly have to downgrade zend to 2.5.7 from 2.6.2 as well as the zend binaries may not be backwards compatible.

To downgrade to apache 1.3.33 and php 4.3.11, run:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build clean
perl -pi -e ‘s/1.3.34/1.3.33/’ build
perl -pi -e ‘s/1.3.34/1.3.33/’ configure.apache_ssl
perl -pi -e ‘s/2.8.25/2.8.24/’ build
perl -pi -e ‘s/4.4.1/4.3.11/’ build
./build update_data
./build all d

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